Know God. Find Freedom.
Discover Purpose. Make a Difference
Join us for a Sunday service at 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:15am @ Hollar Mill

Jesus is our message. Love is our command.
People are our passion.Serving is our privilege.
Generosity is our joy.Purpose is our pursuit.
About Us
We believe that following Jesus leads us to a place of uncommon unity where we lay aside the labels that usually divide us for something much more life giving.
"For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ." 1 Corinthians 12:12

Our leadership
Pastor Michael & Brooke Strickland
Michael and Brooke have a calling to champion the local church and serve families in the greater Hickory area. They've got big dreams for all that God will accomplish in and through Soma. They realize that Soma is the result of the faithfulness of God at work and a dream realized from a decade ago. Michael and Brooke have watched Jesus build His church over the years and they're humbled to serve the people of Soma and the greater Hickory area alongside so many amazing leaders.
Next Steps
Learn MoreWe believe that God made you on purpose and for a purpose. Following Jesus in your purpose leads you into the abundant life He promised (John 10:10).

Better Together
Join us on Sundays
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Generosity Is Our Joy
Because we give to what we love